Next Steps
Wherever you are in your faith journey, we want to help you take your next steps so that you can know God more deeply and follow him more closely. What is God calling you to do next? Let us know below!
Plan a Visit
If you’re a first-time guest and want to check out Cottage Hill, start here to plan your first visit!
New to Faith
Do you have questions about who God is and how you can know him personally? Are you ready to put your faith in Jesus but aren’t sure what to do next? Let us help!
Learn about Baptism
If you have placed your faith in Jesus and are ready to take the next step by getting baptized, let us know here.
Join a LIFEgroup
In our LIFEgroups, our community of believers grow together in God’s Word while navigating the ups and downs of life together. Get connected to a group today.
Discover Cottage Hill
If you’d like to learn more about who we are and how to become a member, we’d love to have you sign up for Discover Cottage Hill class here!
Serve on a Team
Ready to get involved and make a difference at Cottage Hill? Find out more about volunteering here!