Join us Sundays at 9:00 AM for LIFEgroups!
The Christian life is not a solo act! Our LIFEgroups are designed to provide a place where you can have community with like-minded believers. No matter what stage of life you’re in, you have a place with us! Many of our LIFEgroups meet on Sunday mornings across our campus, but we have a growing number of off-campus opportunities throughout the week. If you are interested in off-campus LIFEgroups, or if you want more information about any of our LIFEgroups, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page!
Age-Based Groups
Babies - PreK
Led by Melissa Pope
Room 2100-2128
K5 - 4th Grade
Led by Candice Goins
Room 2201-2225
5th + 6th Grade
Led by Kenny Watt
PreTeen Space
7th-12th Grade
Led by Jared Sisson
Student Space on Second Floor
College + YoPro
18-25 yrs.
Led by Blake Herron
Kids Worship Theatre
Adult Life Groups
Newly/Nearly Married
Room 5204
This Life Group is focused on strengthening relationships toward marriage and helping newly married couples prioritize their relationship with Jesus and each other. Topics will include in-laws, conflict, dating your spouse, raising children, financial tips and more.
Room 5203
This Life Group consists of married couples in their mid-twenties to thirties. Most have school-age children. They typically study verse by verse through a book of the Bible. Join us as we strive together to apply God’s Word in our lives and families.
Room 5202
This Life Group consists of mostly younger married couples in their thirties. Their studies are focused on living Christian lives in the context of this life stage.
Connect Group
Choir Room
This group is comprised primarily of adults in their 20’s to 50’s. The aim is to help members grow through topical as well as verse by verse Bible teaching and develop deeper friendships with each other. Members enjoy outside of class fellowships, Love Where You Live projects and encouraging and helping one another grow in all areas of life.
Room 5201
This Life Group is primarily couples in their thirties to fifties. The teaching is aimed at practical Christian living. Our goal is to encourage and empower our members to be followers of Christ’s teachings and do so in a friendly and less-formal group.
Room 1124
This Life group is aimed at couples in their 40’s and 50’s and combines teaching from the Through the Bible course with class members sharing their experiences, blessings, and burdens with one another. Regular class activities and serving in Love Where You Live projects are also a priority.
Breland & Sells
Room 5101
This Life Group is team-taught and is focused on couples in their forties and fifties. We use Lifeway’s Explore the Bible curriculum as well as topical studies. We love to serve others and do life together!
Moore | Ladies
Room 5102
A “Women Only” Life Group with an age group ranging from 25-60s. They study a Book of the Bible verse by verse. Married, divorced, widowed, single, children, no children ... they have it all!
Staggs | Hearing Impaired
School Library (Room 6106)
A Life Group for deaf and hard of hearing adults using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum to grow in our Christian faith and walk. Signers and sign students are welcome.
55+ Adult Life Groups
Tidmore (Ladies) | 75+
Room 1120
This smaller group of faithful ladies are an inspiration to all as they explore God’s Word together with Maria Tidmore teaching. They are mission-minded and have wonderful fellowship.
Nixon (Co-ed) 75+
DFH05 (Room 1005)
One of the most faithful and active groups in our church! Join directors Jim and Linda Nixon and teacher Mike Mason for food, fellowship, and Bible Study.
Sarhan/Lindley | Men
ROC Lobby
Searching for men after God’s own heart! If your desire is a closer walk with God and you truly want to be a man after God’s own heart, then this is the place within Cottage Hill for you. We dive deep into the Word, placing it on our hearts and conforming to the Word in our lives no matter what your age or stage of life.
Matthews | Faithful Friends
Room 4111
This Life Group is aimed at those who are in their late forties and up. Faithful Friends is a caring family group doing life together and striving to show the hope and love of Christ to others.
The Good Life (Co-Ed) Boomers 55+
Our goal for this growing class as we come together each week is to draw closer to and become more like Jesus by studying the Word, praying for one another, sharing in fellowship and participating in the group. The Good Life Class is a group of individuals and couples in their 50’s and 60’s who love the Lord and desire to serve Him.
Men's 50+ Life Group
Room 4106
An interactive study of scripture and dialogue between everyone. Ours is a unique and small class made up of boisterous men and a few reserved ones with the mental stamina to handle us!
Whisonant/May (Co-ed) | Boomers 55+
Known for its heart for missions and fellowship, this larger class meets in our Chapel. Join directors Chuck and Sharon Whisonant and teacher Jimmy May each week. Note: This class has single adults attending as well.
Phillips (Co-ed) | Boomers 55+
Room 6105
This growing class experiences great Bible teaching from Mary Phillips and the fellowship is sweet!
Morton (Co-ed) | 65+
Room 1119
Fellowship, coffee, sweets, and conversation are essentials in this class. Join Bobby Morton and others as they search God’s Word together book by book.
Spivey (Co-ed) | 65+
FH01 (Room 1001)
As one of our larger classes in our 55+ Ministry, join directors Glen and Donna Spivey and a host of teachers as they fellowship around tables and study each Sunday.
Campbell/Switzer (Co-Ed) | 70+
Room 6107
This faithful group of men and women study different topics during the year. Join Ernie Campbell and teachers as they seek to study God’s Word and meet the needs of others.
Headrick/Brannon (Ladies) | 70+
FH04 (Room 1004)
This faithful group of ladies are led by teachers Linda Headrick and Micki Brannon who provide excellent teaching and sweet fellowship!
Evans/Waller (Co-ed) | 75+
Room 1116
Join teacher Marie Waller and this small group of faithful members as they “Explore the Bible” together.
Caleb 55+ Men’s Group | 55+ (Wednesdays at 8AM)
FH01 (Room 1001)
The fellowship, food, and topical studies of this group are great. This casual setting and great group of guys have been a blessing to many.
Interested in joining a LIFEgroup?
Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch soon!