55+ Adult Ministry

55+ Adults

We encourage our 55+ adults to live significant lives, marked by joyfulness and love for Jesus. You won't find them rocking on front porches; they're out serving in our meal delivery ministry, singing in the JoySingers choir, serving on mission trips both locally and globally, volunteering in our church, and loving one another. 

O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.

Psalm 71:17-18

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Ministry Areas

Cottage Hill Boomers

Our boomers are, for the most part, adults that have not yet retired, are adjusting to an empty nest, taking care of aging parents, and enjoying new grandchildren. Cottage Hill Boomers engage in weekend activities, fellowships, overnight getaways, and targeted mission projects.

Cottage Hill Classics

Full of life experience, this group is mostly retired, enjoying hobbies, traveling, and learning what it means to live significantly for Jesus. This group participates in weekly activities, Love Where You Live projects, and mission trips.

Cottage Hill Care Ministry

If you are not able to physically attend church or are a caregiver to those with physical or mental limitations, our desire is to serve you well. Our deacons and other members of our church want to minister to you and meet your needs. Contact Ronnie McCarson at ronniem@cottagehill.org

Weekly Activities

LIFEgroup \\ Sundays at 9:00 AM

LIFEGroups can be found for any specific need you may have. Single adults, married adults, and men's and women's classes are available. Stop by the Atrium desk and someone will be happy to guide you to a class just for you!

Worship \\ Sundays at 10:30 AM

During our Worship Celebration, we will worship together as one family. Pastor Alan will bring a message that will not only challenge you, but will also encourage you to apply God's Word to your everyday life. Assistance is available for those who are hearing impaired. 

Caleb Men’s Group \\ Wednesdays at 8:00 AM

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for some snacks, coffee, and fellowship. We discuss topics that men 55+ are challenged by and what the Bible has to say about it.

JoySingers \\ Wednesdays at 10:00 AM

The JoySingers are Mobile's only southern gospel community choir for 55+ adults. We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of every month from September to May! Join us as we sing hymns and southern gospel songs both current and from years gone by. This group is outreach oriented and often travels to spread joy to local retirement communities.

Game Time \\ Wednesdays at 11:00 AM

Game Time is an all-out, in good fun war as we meet for food, fun, and community in the Fellowship Hall. Friendships are tested and winning gives you bragging rights until the next week. Bring a friend and a dish to share!

MidWeek \\ Wednesdays at 6:30 PM

Find rest during the week at our MidWeek Bible study and prayer hour. Led by Pastor Alan, you will hear biblical preaching and find community as you pray with those near you.


Global Missions

We are so excited to see more and more of our 55+ adults participating in global mission trips! These trips range from helping build new churches to sharing Jesus with unreached people groups, both in the United States and abroad.

Love Where You Live

Join us as we participate in ministry-wide, monthly service projects. Previous projects include ministering at local Senior Living facilities, Christian rehab ministries, health clinics, schools and nursing homes, providing Thanksgiving baskets to those in need, and serving around the church.

Travel & Fellowship

Monthly fellowships include activities like guest speakers, cooking contests, Big Band concerts and baseball games, but we don’t stop there! Join us on trips to Nashville, Atlanta, the Grand Canyon and Hawaii – even Ireland and Switzerland!

Ronnie McCarson
Pastor to 55+ Adults

Ronnie is the Pastor to 55+ Adults at Cottage Hill. You can contact Ronnie at ronniem@cottagehill.org.

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